Termékek hegesztőgáz gyártó (94)

75 tonnás hegesztett típusú Cement Silo - Cement Silo

75 tonnás hegesztett típusú Cement Silo - Cement Silo

A 75-ton welded type cement silo is a huge storage container used in the construction industry for the storage of cement. The silo is composed of panels of welded metal to give it strength and durability in storing large amounts of cement. Here we present the silo with a capacity of 75 tons, providing great storage capacity for cement. Without it, the supply of this critical building material would be very effectively managed on construction sites. The welded construction of the silo not only lends stability to it but also precludes any leakage, thus maintaining the quality of the stored cement inside. This makes the 75-ton welded type cement silo a strong and trustworthy storage facility that forms a key part of building works to ensure continuity in cement supplies for various building projects.
80 tonnás hegesztett cementtároló - Cementtároló

80 tonnás hegesztett cementtároló - Cementtároló

An 80-ton welded-type cement silo is a large storage container designed mainly to hold big amounts of cement in construction and industrial settings. The metal panels used to build this type of silo are joined by welding so that they are very strong and sturdy, thereby enabling them to hold big volumes of cement. These silos can hold 80 tons of cement, ensuring a large storage and continuous, effective supply of this required construction material at the working site or the cement manufacturing plant. Leakages and structural failures, caused by poor welding, are eliminated by the welded feature in the 80-ton cement silo; thus, the quality of the cement stored is maintained. It has access doors, level indicators, and discharge systems which make the process of loading-unloading of cement easy.
Horgonycsavarok anyákkal és hegesztett lemezekkel

Horgonycsavarok anyákkal és hegesztett lemezekkel

Anchor Bolts With Nuts and Welded Plates
Monoblokk Hegesztett Cement Silo: Ásvány Silo - Monoblokk Hegesztett Cement Silo: Ásvány Silo

Monoblokk Hegesztett Cement Silo: Ásvány Silo - Monoblokk Hegesztett Cement Silo: Ásvány Silo

A monoblock welded cement silo, also known under the name of mineral silo, is an industrial storage used for storing cement, minerals, or any other granulated material. These silos are developed as a one-piece, monoblock welded structure so that they are strong, compact, and resistant to environmental factors. Mineral silos perform the ideal function of storing materials in a well-ordered way and also providing maximum security in industries like construction, mining, and manufacture. Normally, the monoblock welded cement silo adopts a sealed construction, which can keep stored materials from rainwater, dust, and other impurities that might affect the quality. The monoblock welded silos come in different sizes and capacities to meet various storage needs.
Monoblokk hegesztett cement siló: ásványi siló - cement siló

Monoblokk hegesztett cement siló: ásványi siló - cement siló

A monoblock welded cement silo, also known under the name of mineral silo, is an industrial storage used for storing cement, minerals, or any other granulated material. These silos are developed as a one-piece, monoblock welded structure so that they are strong, compact, and resistant to environmental factors. Mineral silos perform the ideal function of storing materials in a well-ordered way and also providing maximum security in industries like construction, mining, and manufacture. Normally, the monoblock welded cement silo adopts a sealed construction, which can keep stored materials from rainwater, dust, and other impurities that might affect the quality. The monoblock welded silos come in different sizes and capacities to meet various storage needs. The robust construction of monoblock welded silos makes them an ideal need of long-lasting storage, a fact that assures a consistent solution to keep large quantities of materials consistently secure.
Körkörös Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Körkörös Hegesztés, Forgató, Pozicionáló, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Körkörös Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Körkörös Hegesztés, Forgató, Pozicionáló, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Dairesel kaynak makineler kaynaklı imalat sektöründe çok geniş kullanım alanına sahip olup, yüksek kalite, minimum çarpılma için dairesel kesitli parçaların uç uca, köşe, üst üste bindirmeli ve iç içe geçmeli kaynak konfigürasyonlarda çok iyi sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Bu makinelerde dıştan dairesel kaynaklı birleştirmeler yapılmaktadır. Tek ve çok pasolu kaynak, TIG, MIG/MAG ve SAW kaynak sistemleri kullanmak mümkündür. Kaynak yapılacak birleşim yeri kaymayacak şekilde sıkılır ve kaynak kafası hassas bir şekilde dönen iş parçası üzerinde sabit kalarak kaynak yapmış olur. Dairesel kaynak makineleri standart olarak çift torç mekanizmalı üretimi yapılmaktadır ancak tek veya daha fazla torç mekanizmalarının da adapte edilmesi mümkündür. Standart olarak dairesel kaynak makinesi 1000mm ile 6000mm arasında, çap olarak 1000mm ye kadar üretimi yapılmaktadır
Gerendahegesztési automatizálási rendszer - Gerendahegesztés, H gerendahegesztés, MIG hegesztés, TIG hegesztés, Hegesztés

Gerendahegesztési automatizálási rendszer - Gerendahegesztés, H gerendahegesztés, MIG hegesztés, TIG hegesztés, Hegesztés

Kiriş kaynak otomasyon sistemi H, I, T gibi iş parçalarının tek ya da çoklu kaynaklarının gazaltı veya tozaltı kaynak sistemi ile kaynatılmasını sağlayan kaynak otomasyon sistemidir.Kiriş kaynak otomasyon sistemi ray üzerinde hareket ederek doğrusal kaynak yapılmasına imkan sağlar.Malzeme üzerindeki sapmalar mekanik takip sistemi ile takip edilerek her yerde aynı punta kalınlığında ve aynı görselde kaynak elde edilir.Hareket eden şasi üzerinde kaynak makineleri ve tel üniteleri taşınmaktadır.Makine üzerindeki kaynak sayısı işin durumuna göre artırılabilir.
Lineáris Hegesztés - Lineáris Hegesztés, Tartály Hegesztés, Gázvédett Hegesztés, Fluxus Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Lineáris Hegesztés - Lineáris Hegesztés, Tartály Hegesztés, Gázvédett Hegesztés, Fluxus Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Boy kaynak makineleri silindirik, konik ve dikdörtgen şeklinde bükümü yapılmış iş parçaları ve de düz tabaka halindeki saç ve levhaları boy olarak kaynak yapmak için tasarlanmıştır. Güçlü yapıya ve sıkma sistemi tasarımına sahip boy kaynak makinesinde hassas hizalama yapılır ve kaliteli bir üretim gerçekleştirilir. Torç mekanizması taşıyıcı sistem hassas bir şekilde işlenmiş profil üzerine konumlandırılan lineer kızak üzerinde değişken hızlarda hareket eder ve kaynak yeri hassas bir şekilde takip edilmiş olur. TIG (Argon), MIG/MAG ve SAW-Tozaltı kaynak proseslerinin tümü sistemimizde kullanılabilir.
Osztó-kar rendszerek - Hegesztőgépek

Osztó-kar rendszerek - Hegesztőgépek

With column-bom systems, framework can be welded freely as well as it can be welded circular or lengthwise with the help of invertor or positioner. It provides an opportunity to weld various diametric and long distances. Submerged, Mig, Mag, Tig welding processes can be used in the system. Column Bom systems (CBS), can be fixed on the ground or automatically walking on track. Column Bom systems enable increasing the quality, reducing the time of production and operator exhaustion, to sensibility and increasing the amount of weld an operator can constantly weld. In the Bom motion, with linear sleds and telescopic bom sensitive inner welds of cylindrical framework can be made.
Vázszerkezet Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Vázszerkezet Hegesztés, Pótkocsi Hegesztés, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Vázszerkezet Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Vázszerkezet Hegesztés, Pótkocsi Hegesztés, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Şase kaynak makinesi farklı tip ve ölçülerdeki tır şaselerinin kaynağı için tasar/anmıştır. Bu makine, ana iskelet, kaynak kafalarının monte edildiği köprü sistemi, köprü sisteminin iş parçası boyunca hareketini sağlayacak ray sistemi, kaynak kafalarının kaynak yeri takip sistemi mekanik olarak (opsiyonel lazerli ve optik kaynak yeri takip sistemi), toz toplama sistemi, elektrik kontrol sistemi, toz altı kaynak güç üniteleri ve hidrolik sıkma sisteminden oluşmaktadır. Tır şase kaynak sistemi imalat verimliliğinizi çok esnek ve hızlı bir şekilde artırmış olacaktır.
Mason Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Mason Hegesztés, Csőhegesztés, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Mason Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Mason Hegesztés, Csőhegesztés, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Manşon kaynak makinesi bombeler ve gövdeler üzerindeki manşonların kaynaklarını otomatik bir şekilde kaynatmaktadır. Hidrolik silindir, boiler termosifon, basınçlı kap üreticisi gibi imalatçılar için çok kullanışlı bir makinedir. Gaz altı kaynak yapmak için tasarlanmıştır. Bombe, tabla ve daire malzemeler üzerine kaynatılmak için özel sehpası ile teslim edilmektedir.
Függesztett Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Függesztett Hegesztés, Tartály Hegesztés, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Függesztett Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Függesztett Hegesztés, Tartály Hegesztés, MIG Hegesztés, TIG Hegesztés, Hegesztés

Circotech kaynak sistemi petrol ve gaz, petrokimya, nükleer güç istasyonu gibi büyük depolama tanklarının tozaltı kaynak makinesi ile kaynatılabilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. • Toz altı kaynak ünitesi ile kaynak yapabilme özelliği, bulunan makinede • Kaynak hızı 0-100 cm/dk. aralığında ayarlanabilmektedir. Tekli ve çiftli olarak iki ayrı model seçeneği ile aynı anda iç ve dış kaynak yapabilme özelliği de bulunmaktadır. • Elektrik panosundan alınan 220 voltluk çıkış sayesinde ihtiyaç duyulabilecek elektrikli alet ve edevatın kullanılabilirliğine olanak sağlar, operatörü doğa etkilerinden korur. Parçalanabilirlik özelliğine bağlı olarak kolay taşıma özelliği mevcuttur. Operatörün kaynak hakimiyetini güçlendiren hareketli kontrol paneli özelliği • Operatör oturma yeri ve rahat hareket edebilme kabiliyeti bulunmaktadır. • Minimum Tank Çapı : 6000 mm • Tank Saç Kalınlığı : 8 mm ile 40 mm • Yükseklik Ayarı : 1300 mm ile 2200 mm


Fit-Up systems shortens the big diametric and heavy pieces’ montage period in cylindrical piece fabrication and reduces the need of crane and operator. Fit-Up systems basically consist of 2 main rotator teams. With the fixed rotator system, pieces’ heights towards each other are adjusted while rotator amount increases according to piece tonnage. Other rotator systems are mobile and as it appends to the piece it moves forward and basically make the movement of the piece’s rotating movement. With the help of column-bom which is the source of montaged pieces on Fit-up systems, it can be finished quickly while saving man-hour. In Fit-up system basically; besides the fixed rotator set that adjusts montage and heights it contains 2 motorized and 1 wanderer rotator systems.
Koncepcionális Típus Átalakító - Forgató - Forgató, Átalakító, Tartály Átalakító, Tartályhegesztés, Merülő Ívhegesztés, Hegesztés

Koncepcionális Típus Átalakító - Forgató - Forgató, Átalakító, Tartály Átalakító, Tartályhegesztés, Merülő Ívhegesztés, Hegesztés

Kendinden Ayarlı seri çeviriciler yükleme ve çevirme için zahmetli iş parçalarının çevrilmesinde ideal bir çözümdür. Bu çeviriciler hem ağırlık dağılımı hem de geniş çap aralıklarının ayarlanabilmesine herhangi ekstra uygulamaya ihtiyaç olmadan sağlar. Standart olarak şu an 10 ile 150 ton kapasitelerindeki kendinden ayarlı çeviricilere cevap vermektedir. Talep edilmesi halinde 250 tona kadar imalat yapma kapasitesine sahiptir.
KERETHEGESZTŐ RENDSZEREK - Hegesztőgépek és Berendezések

KERETHEGESZTŐ RENDSZEREK - Hegesztőgépek és Berendezések

There are hydraulic pressing clamps in the fixture equipment of system. The workpiece is both made spot welding by means of clamps and prevented distortion due to heat during welding. Separate control lever is used as to be put to rear of piston for each piston.Also there is a pressure relief valve on each control lever. Thanks to pressure relief valves the critical pressure is brought to the desired pressure and the compression of the material in desired strength may be achieved A lock valve is connected to each hydraulic cylinder after the tightening process and during the welding operation, the material is prevented from being retracted and opened due to heat input. Reverse deflexion may be done on the frame thanks to the control units in the clamp mechanisms. 1 inert gas arc welding machine will be used for spot welding process.( it will be supplied by the purchaser)
Oszlopos Daru Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Oszlopos Daru, Forgató, Tartály Forgató, Tartály Hegesztés, Merülő Ívhegesztés

Oszlopos Daru Hegesztési Automatizálási Rendszer - Oszlopos Daru, Forgató, Tartály Forgató, Tartály Hegesztés, Merülő Ívhegesztés

Kolon-Bom sistemleri, kaynak sektörünün beklentilerine cevap verebilecek kaba, düzensiz çevre şartlarına karşı koymak için tasarlanmakta ve üretimi yapılmaktadır. Kolon-Bom sistemleri gerekli kaynak şartlarını oluşturmak için iş parçası üzerinde uygun şekilde yerleştirilen otomatik kaynak kafasıyla çevirici ve/veya pozisyonlama donanımı ile bağımsız veya birleştirme şeklinde dairesel ve boy kaynak yapmak için tasarlanmışlardır. Kolon-Bom sistemleri tam otomasyonlu üretim teknikleriyle kalitenin artırılmasına, üretim zamanının ve operatör yorgunluklarının azaltılmasına, hassasiyete ve bir operatörün ulaşabileceğinden çok daha fazla sürede devamlı kaynak yapmaya imkanı verir.
Hegesztett Építkezés

Hegesztett Építkezés

Welded components are all manufactured according to ISO standards.


It’s designed upon you weld cylindrical, conical and rectangle shaped bended frameworks and in shape of flat slab metal sheet and plaque linearly. Frameworks that are between 200-3000 mm diameters can be welded on different types of machines easily. Its production can be made from the length of 0.5 meter to 4 meters. Upon customer demand the length can be increased. As to application method, TIG, MIG and submerged welds can be adapted. Materials’ like boiler, thermosiphon, solar power boilers, cooling tanks, natural gas funnels, lpg tubes etc., height welds are made on this machine.


The Frame Welding Machine is made of welded parts of different sizes and is designed to obtain the desired special H profiles. The machine body and the welding heads are fixed and the workpiece provide to be welded on both sides of the part to be welded by moving by means of driven conveyors. The hydraulic cylinders in the system provide the positioning of the H profile placing and fixing during welding.The system has adjustable backrests and accessories for the roofing of the conveyor group.The system has a hydraulic piston loading unit. The system might turn beam 90 degree with maximum weight and maximum dimensions by means of chain or mechanical structure.
ROTATOR Rendszerek - Robothegesztő berendezések

ROTATOR Rendszerek - Robothegesztő berendezések

Rotators are resistant to severe working conditions and are designed to rotate work pieces weighing 5 to 150 tons. It enables the cylindrical parts weld sensitively by rotating clockwise or anticlockwise. In line with customer’s demanded diameter and tonnages, its production can be made auto regulative or conventionally. Features -Through polyurethane coated wheels rotation quakes and uploading hitting are absorbed during welding. -In the applications requiring high temperature and major load, featured steel wheels can be used as well. -Wheels possess self-adjusting feature for small or big diameters. This adjustment can be made with ball screw or by hand optionally. -For the manual usage, digital control or analog entries can be integrated to Column Bom systems. -Sensitive rotation with low gaped reducer -Synchronised working feature -Power transmission with flat gears


Mesh Panel Wire for Gabion
Tartályhegesztő Gép - Ayaz Makine - Egytartályos Hegesztőgép és Automatikus Hegesztőgépek

Tartályhegesztő Gép - Ayaz Makine - Egytartályos Hegesztőgép és Automatikus Hegesztőgépek

Being able to walk on a suspended type tank Single-sided tank welding Single operator control 1000 – 3000 mm plate welding Tank welding machine is an automatic tank welding machine designed for welding cylindrical structures that can weld with submerged arc welding in the side position (3 o’clock). The welding unit is fixed on a cabinet. On the upper floor of this cabin, where all safety conditions have been provided for the operator, there are motor and gear systems that move the system on the hardware sheet. Tank Welding Machine enables horizontal circumferential welding of large storage tanks with Submerged Arc welding machine. • The minimum diameter it can weld is 4.5 meters. • The lowest sheet thickness that can be welded is 6 mm. The outer cover is produced to protect the user from the external factors of nature. Our Tank Welding Machine is designed to weld either internally or externally.
Öntőanyag Típusok

Öntőanyag Típusok

Steel alloys Stainless steel alloys Aluminum alloys Copper alloys Cobalt alloys Superalloys Cast titanium
Magasnyomású öntés

Magasnyomású öntés

High pressure casting is a process in which molten metal is safely filled into the mold cavity under pressure. High dimensional accuracy greatly reduces machining work. High pressure die castings have a good surface finish, which is a basic requirement for coating. Molds have a long service life, reduce unit part costs, and more complex parts can be produced, thereby reducing the number of components required in an assembly.


Sand casting is one of the oldest and most widely used casting processes in the metal industry. It is a costeffective method for producing metal components in a wide range of sizes and shapes, making it suitable for various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and construction. Sand casting offers several advantages, including the ability to produce large and heavy components, flexibility in design, and relatively low equipment and tooling costs.


We can provide you with the production of the most efficient part in the weight and shape you need with different material options like: Alloyed steel Carbon steel Gray cast iron / spheroidal cast iron aluminum
Fogaskerekek és Kúpkerekek

Fogaskerekek és Kúpkerekek

The gear and gearbox manufacturing sector plays an important role in the operation of industrial machinery. Baca Makine, carefully manufactures the most suitable part to make the machine parts compatible and ensure the correct transfer of energy


Machining is a manufacturing process that involves removing material from a workpiece to create a desired shape or finish. Machining is used to create a wide range of products, including automotive and aerospace parts, consumer electronics, and tools. The process can be performed manually or using known as CNC machines, which can execute complex cutting operations with high precision and consistency.
Hideg öntés

Hideg öntés

Chill cast offers many benefits for manufacturers looking for a more efficient method of making functional components and improving quality. Chill cast molds are precision machined from metallic material with excellent thermal conductivity and thermal fatigue properties.
Befektetési öntés

Befektetési öntés

Investment casting can produce complicated shapes that would be difficult or impossible with other casting methods. It can also produce products with exceptional surface qualities and low tolerances with minimal surface finishing or machining required.